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"Nails didn't hold God to a cross, love did."

-Max Lucado

What's this Jesus stuff all about?

So...you've been checking out this site, maybe been to an A&B, and you have some questions. Mainly, "What's this God stuff all about?" My first answer to that question is to tell you to talk to a friend or someone you know who is a Christian. Ask them what it's all about. Put them on the spot...I dare you. I could try to set up a forum for you to submit questions and such, but that is entirely too impersonal. Just go talk to a Christian friend, you'll get some questions answered and you'll likely become better friends because of it. So...that's what I have to say....go talk to someone. You won't regret it.

Questions? Comments? Go ask a Christian you know (or, if you really want, a Christian you don't know) If you really don't know of any Christians you can talk to, then e-mail me and we'll talk!